What Is The Role Of Electrocardiogram?

Aug. 02 , 2019

Here is ECG Cable AHA Supplier talking about the role of electrocardiogram.

We are selling GE-Marquette ECG Cable, if you need any information, feel free to contact us.

GE-Marquette ECG Cable

An electrocardiogram is a technique that uses an electrocardiograph to record a pattern of electrical activity changes produced by each cardiac cycle of the heart from the body surface. So, what is the role of ECG?

1. Record the electrical activity of the normal heart of the human body.

2. Help diagnose arrhythmia.

3. Help diagnose myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, and determine the location of myocardial infarction.

4. Diagnose whether the heart is enlarged or hypertrophied.

5. Determine the effect of the drug or electrolyte condition on the heart.

6. Determine the artificial heart pacing condition.


Hi there, I’m Susie!

I know firsthand the complexities engineers face in designing reliable medical devices, especially when it comes to SpO2 sensors, EEG cables, and ECG cables.

With years of industry experience, my team and I are passionate about providing customized solutions and comprehensive support.

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