
Postoperative SpO2 Monitoring Is To Monitor Which Problems

May. 22 , 2019

1. Help to determine the end circulation and limb tissue oxygenation after orthopedics limb surgery.

Because SpO2 in Datex SpO2 Sensor relies on the generation of pulse blood flow, if the decrease in SpO2 can indicate a decrease in pulse blood flow, the peripheral circulation of the affected finger, the affected toe, and the affected limb is impaired. After monitoring the fractures of the extremities, the blood supply of the distal limbs after trauma can be judged in time to avoid the over-tightening of the fixed splint, leading to the occurrence of osteofascial syndrome.

2. It is conducive to early detection of postoperative complications and prevention of complications.

For example, patients with radical esophageal cancer surgery, the first day after surgery, the patient feels chest tightness, shortness of breath. SpO2 reading drops below 90%, check the chest lead flow, after the suction and increase the oxygen concentration, the reading still can not rise, considering the contralateral pleural effusion, resulting in limited gas exchange. Immediately give the bedside indwelling chest drainage tube, and connect the water-sealed bottle closed drainage to make the patient turn to safety.

3. Auxiliary observation of the circulation state of the body, which not only displays the reading of SpO2 in Nihon Kohden Spo2 Sensor, but also shows the pulse rate of the pulse and the waveform of the pulse beat.

When the patient’s blood pressure drops and the pulse beats weakly. The pulsed waveform will become flat or the waveform will not be displayed. For Allen, suspicious cases of s trials, pulse oximetry monitoring can be used to verify collateral circulation to determine if a radial artery can be placed.

Datex SpO2 Sensor


Hi there, I’m Susie!

I know firsthand the complexities engineers face in designing reliable medical devices, especially when it comes to SpO2 sensors, EEG cables, and ECG cables.

With years of industry experience, my team and I are passionate about providing customized solutions and comprehensive support.

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